At CAC We’re Counting Down to Amazing Give!

At CAC We’re Counting Down to Amazing Give!
Join the “FUNdathon” on April 21st from 7a.m. – 7p.m.
We think you’ll be AMAZED by the programs and projects of the Cultural Arts Coalition and by the AMAZING youth who participate in our After School Science Program with the Science Bus and our Environmental Ambassadors! That’s why we know you want to be a part of making it all happen.
The CAC will participate in this year’s Amazing Give and hope you will join in the FUNdraising with us on April 21st. But, you don’t need to wait for the big day to take part. Just click on the Donate here button below to go to our Amazing Give page and offer your support.
Help us meet our $10,000 goal so even more of our youth can be AMAZED by science and nature.
Please tell your friends and family why you think they’d like to support the Cultural Arts Coalition.
NKwanda Jah, Executive Director
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